Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Rules and Operating Points1 post
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Two questions about the Advanced Skill “Instinct”:
The effect reads: “Choose 1 card in your discard pile and add it to your hand. Discard this.
1. The combo with the Character Skill “Inspiration” (“Choose up to 2 cards in your Discard Pile and add them to your hand. Discard this.”) seems extremely powerful because Instinct can get back Inspiration from my Discard Pile which can then get back Instinct and another card. This combo essentially allows me to play one skill card from my discard pile on every action. Is this intended?
2. If I get a card from my discard pile back with Instinct can I use this card immediately in the same result step of the action?
Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Rules and Operating Points1 post