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Never mind me, I completely overlooked that -P And it seems that the card that ends that specific Scenario doesn't have that instruction, for one reason or another.

Here's an example of the ending of a scenario. It makes no mention of discarding the Board; only of returning the Past. As far as I can tell, most Scenario endings are like this.
So at the end of every Scenario, I've been discarding the cards on the board and returning the Past. However, I have just reached the end of a Scenario and it specifically said to discard all cards on the board—which no previous Scenario had done (to my memory).

Does this mean that, for most Scenarios, you _don't_ have to discard the cards on the board at the end?
The back of card 343 mentions the "Bottom Sea" but it is probably meant to refer to the "Bottomless Sea".
Posted - Edited
So in that case would using the "Flight" card count as winning or losing? Or neither?
An example of a place that mentions losing the fight is
dialogue 343
which says
"If you win the fight, you have avenged the murder of the compaion of the woman you met by the waterside. Check the "initiated" and "finished" boxes of the quest "Thirst for vengeance": [defense]+1 and take 2 099 cards. Return the Dialogue Book. If you do not win the fight, check the "finished" box of the quest "Thirst for vengeance" and return the Dialogue Book."
, and given the way the loss consequence mentions
updating a Side Quest on the leaflet
which can't happen if the game is over, would that only work if there were another character not involved in the action that survived?
For Temporary Events, usually, whenever a consequence doesn't state otherwise, regardless of success or failure the card goes directly to the Past.

But I'm actually kind of confused about Compound Actions on Temporary Events. I've been acting as if they're not discarded until the last action is a success; is that correct? Or should it be discarded at every failure that doesn't specifically say otherwise or move the die?

Also, relatedly, various effects tell me to do a fight on cards
172, 173, or 174
and then they have text saying that "If I win the fight" vs. "If I lose the fight", but what does it mean to "lose" the fight? Isn't the Compound Action meant to keep being taken until it eventually succeeds? Does "losing" it means you've gone unconscious?
(Caveat: I found this while looking over the cards and haven't actually reached this spot in any of my playthroughs so maybe there is something earlier that makes this not be a problem.)

The version of card
344 with the banner that has a ring symbol on it
has an action to return all cards on the Board and in the Past and then place card
into play and place all figurines onto it. However, the green version of that card isn't a Terrain Card, it's a Permanent Event (though its gold version is a Terrain Card). After looking around some more that card seems to be attached to Terrain Card
. Should card
's text say
Some cards in the game make reference to
the bases of your figurines touching specific parts of cards
, such as that one Area I Exploration Card which has different effects depending on
whether the base of your figurine is touching the Singing Lane
or that Final Throne card which
changes a combat action depending on where the active player's figurine base is
. However, the cardboard figurines and the 3D figurines
are different sizes
. Does that have any effect that needs to be taken into account? Should we always assume we're using one or the other kind of figurine? That Final Throne card was what made me particularly interested in this since
you can almost fit more than one 3D figurine on the white tiles but the cardboard figurine barely fits at all
So I've been occasionally coming over to the site to see whether there have been any updates to the official errata, and sometimes there are, but it seems like the only mention of that is the version on the title of the first pdf of that link. Would it be possible to also include a changelog in that document? As in, what errata were added or expanded upon in each version? So that it's easier to track new ones without having to rescan the whole document to try to remember what we have or have not already taken into account.
I think the name of the scenario was meant to have been "Bread and Cares" rather than "Bred and Cares"? Given the way it's referred to on most of the text. However, the title of the actual scenario on the top of the page says "Bred and Cares". That's not, you know, huge, but since there's official errata it might want to go there? Unsure.