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Thanks, 👍. I have submitted a service ticket via the link provided.
I and my family searched in the whole box several times. We have all the cards arranged sequentially by number and unfortunately we are missing this one. If someone could paste a photo of your card, I could print it out.
Now I understand your line of thinking. According to the translation into Polish, it can be seen that there may be two versions of the interpretation.
1. Active player cannot be selected for two turns in a row. (Only from the third can be selected an active player )
2. No player may be active for two turns in a row. (must change every turn)

Thank you for your clarification. I think there should be some errata because I've read about 5 interprettions of this trait on several forums.
DevNull wrote:
One character - call them A - will be the active player for the first action of the fight.

But right from the very beginning you have a contradiction with the Epic trait rules that say that no one can be an active player for two turns.
Maybe it will be easier:
What do you do or what don't you do if, playing with 2 people, you encounter a monster with the Epic trait?
Skills are explained in Citadel leaflet.
Action resolutions steps are explained in Rule book page 12
Yes sure , but with epic creature we cannot choose active player...silly
How do you understand this Epic trait? according to the rules, no player can be active for two turns. but it makes no sense because according to the rules, an inactive player does not take part in the fight.
Hi, do you have a card with the number A0466 in your box? I found out today that I don't have such a card and I don't know if it's normal. I have a card A0465 (065 - green with a flag without a symbol) and then A0467 (067)