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I've just
restored the camp and set Brumpy out to pasture.
Happy ending...or is it?

Here's the thing... Nothing in the cards had instructed me to banish
the Brumpy green card from my hand
...and I'm getting hungry.

What to do in this situation? Had I received instructions to banish Brumpy
after seeing himout to pasture
I wouldn't have this question. Themselves, it certainly does seen that this should be a happy ending to Brumpy's saga, but happy endings don't help me to restock my action deck.
It is surprising. I sort of got most of the questions answered on bgg but not definitively.

The reason i posted this was because after playing the 2nd ks base game, i realized just how crucial mapping the continent was (voracious goddess, I'm looking at you...), and how disorganized having stacks of scrawled pdfs lying around are. Plus, i went all-in on every other item and when i saw the pledge manager reopen, the completionist in me nagged me to reconsider dropping the final $10. I wanted additional info about the notebook to help me make the final decision, and maybe even go in for two if one notebook was inadequate.

In the end I just went ahead and bought it. If nobody replies, I'll answer my own question once the package arrives in 2019.
Thanks for the reply, though i really am trying to get info about the physical details of the notebook itself, not the pdf. It has been surprisingly difficult to get this info.
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"Somewhere I read that Mayday made the ones for 7th Continent."

It always gets me how when a rumor is repeated enough times, it magically gains credibility.

You did not read that from the only source that matters, Serious Poulp, who have not yet (to my knowledge) publicly stated who manufactures their sleeves.

Rumors have been flying on boardgamegeek for a year now. Maydays are the current "source" but at other times in other conversions, there were other "manufacturers" like Paladin. None of this was confirmed. However, consensus is that Mayday Premiums fit just fine.
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I have been unable to find definitive info describing the Cartographer's Notebook online. It's even surprisingly difficult to find any detailed photos of it.

With that said:

- What are the dimensions of each page? (Is it European A4 size paper?)

- How many individual sheets of paper does the notebook contain?

- Are pages printed double-sided?

- What is the thickness/heaviness of the card/paper stock?

- Is one notebook enough to cover all of the existing curses?

- For those who completed all existing curses (i.e. have mapped out the whole continent), how many empty pages remain in your notebook?

- Assuming the expansions will have less cards than the base box, do you think there will be adequate room in your notebook to accommodate the expansions?

- Photos showing book (front and back covers), thickness, and relative size next to reference objects would be most welcome.
The satchel and journal would be reset anew every time a brand new game is started.
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Thank you, Firebird. This is very clear.

Sometimes when there's a rules conflict, the best thing to do is to have the creators weigh in on intent. Having your clarification on the intent of the creators is good enough for me.
Nintendojunkie, please stop stalking me across websites.

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Firebird, there's a discussion on BGG about whether or not a banner effect on an item card can be applied when none of the card's "item effects" match the action.

You didn't seem to address the fact that the "Go See" action on card 94 does not appear as an item effect on the torch item. Yet the roles for using items on p.21 clearly indicate that items can only be used either if they have a white action on them, or if one of the item effects on the item are associated with an action available elsewhere.

On p.14 under the banner rules, it says that you can apply banner effects when using an item, but as just determined, the rules for using an item do not allow for use when an associated action or item effect is not available. There isn't any language in the banner rules that overrides the "using an item" language.

Can you please read through this thread and let us know what the official response from SP is? Is this errata, or is there another item with the "magnifying glass" banner that has "go see" as an item effect that would make application of the rules consistent?

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I'm having this problem right now with Voracious Goddess, and it does not have to do wth transitioning into a new zone. All cards involved are in Area II.

My figure is on card 059. There is an indicator to place a foggy backed card to the right, along with card 066.

The problem is, gold permanent event card 074 is already in place, pointing back to card 132 just below it.

What do I do in this case, other than save the game?
Can we officially disregard the currently posted errata with regard to the KS2 printing? I would assume so, but would appreciate confirmation on this as there hasn't been any official word from SP on this that I've been able to find.

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To Serious Poulp

Guys, now that we're days away from the crowdox closing, I wanted to share my disappointment that you never really addressed this issue in a serious way.

With the full sleeve buy in ($79) you did the correct thing by taking responsibility for any variability in the final number of sleeves. You did not put your backers in a position where they had to calculate or predict what your development process will ultimately produce, which was absolutely the right decision.

We really needed the same offer for a mid level sleeving, where all cards that receive any level of shuffling get sleeved (like the fog backed cards, for example), but not the standard terrain cards.

It's rather unfair that you placed the burden on your backers to calculate the number of sleeves they need when you don't even have the final numbers yourselves.

I really think the fair way to do this would have been to provide an option which allowed for 500+, in the same way that the full buy in was 1,400+. Perhaps at a $35 level. That would have been the right thing to do.

In the end, I just spent the $79, effectively raising the cost of my pledge by a full 25%. This is not insignificant, and it colors my experience in a negative way.

I'm really excited about playing your game, and it's really unfortunate that this experience is preventing some of your backers, like me, from fully enjoying what was otherwise a great KS campaign.

I'd very much appreciate a reply from SP on this.

Thank you
Bruno, as someone married to a Taiwanese gal who has traveled extensively in China, I would suggest you consider getting ahead of this (as it seems you are already behind). There may well be a cheap Chinese knockoff of your game making the rounds before you have the opportunity make the phone call to your lawyers. For all we know, there could be one out there right now.

The price of success...!

P.S. Let me know if you're looking for a translator :)
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This very question was raised on Board Game Geek. Someone created a detailed ranking survey and essentially the resulting advice was to invest in curses first, because the curses extent the life of the game. The more courses you have, the more you can play the game, for an expensive investment line this, this makes a lot of sense.

The other expansions serve as enhancements (like adding weather effects) but they don't actually extend the life of the game at all.
You guys are right... It's not SP's fault that the shipping costs are so high, but it's also not fair that people living in wealthy countries pay so little in shipping (I'm paying $30) while people in Brazil, with an average per capita annual income of $5,000, have to pay $160. All we want to do is play this intriguing game, whether we're from France, Canada, Jamaica, India or Mongolia.

SP earned over $7m USD in good faith pledges from people all over the world, not just people in wealthy countries, blowing away their expectations. It would be really wonderful if they allocated some of those funds to help people living in less wealthy countries to receive their games for at last the same cost as period in the US receive it.

That's my 2 pesos.
I have a feeling many of us are going to have a lot of extra sleeves for sale come November 2018....
Hey Falco20019

I've had the app open on my phone all day and wanted to offer a nickel's worth of free advice for the next update.

Sometimes the buttons do not play the songs after being tapped, and I found myself pressing the same (or different) buttons several times until the app responded. This does not seem to happen when I open the app for the first time, only when it has been open and running in the background for a while.

I've experienced similar UI playback issues with other Android audio apps on multiple phones, so I understand this may be an Android platform issue. However, it would help if your app had some sort of visual indication that the app has registered the finger tap by highlighting the playing icon with a blue square, or some similar visual cue that communicates the software has received the input and is attempting playback.

Also, the app has been lingering in the background-- even when I close all of my open apps, it lingers in the system tray, with no way to close it or swipe it away. See screengrab, below:
Lingering app

The only way I've found to purge it from memory is to Force Stop it in the system - app preferences.

Thanks again for your work on this. It's really, really cool.
Just tried it... seems to work great! Interface is simple and straightforward, as it should be.

Can I assume the tracks will loop infinitely until you press another button?

I have a little Bluetooth speaker that this will work great with! I've already got the spot on my gaming table planned for it :). How many months away are web from March, again?

Great job!
That's really cool!! Thanks for doing this, Falco. Downloading now.
DeltaWalker wrote:
It's December everybody.
Less than 4 months to go :)