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Gah, I just realized we had a Hope Reborn card that probably would have been enough to get us over the hurdle both times. I completely forgot about the 10 life points that were available by blocking the card... Pretty sure that would have changed the outcome each time.
Firebird a écrit :
First, it seems quite rare to me to see a player fail the introductory scenario (but it's not impossible). It would be good to make sure that you played without major errors: did you detect any particularly difficult situations? Recovery (1 life point = 2 cards) wasn't enough to survive until the end?

I must be really bad at this game then D' I played the intro scenario solo two nights ago and failed. Then my son and I played two-player last night and failed. Both times we reached
the mutant tree on card 047

We are playing the compound actions and recovery costs correctly (I think). When I played with my son, I tried to let him make all the decisions; I did not use my knowledge of the previous play through to avoid negative consequences that I knew were coming, so we ended up with some of the same mistakes in both runs. Each time we have tried to
carry Taja all the way out
. This has drained our energy a fair amount. Maybe that is making the difference.

Last night we had
the mutant tree down to 1 remaining star on the third step of the fight
. We just couldn't get the last success that we needed before running out of cards. It also didn't help that all of the items we had discovered broke on the first roll of the dice each time.

I think one of my main problems is that I have not mastered the strategy of overcoming those blasted chain icons. They are brutal if you do not have the right skill cards or items available to either increase chain count or to convert class icons into successes! We did better in the second run, but by the time we reached our downfall, we didn't have any good purse items or skills left to help.

I'll try again tonight...