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1. Does blocked cards count towards your hand size? I have a nagging feeling that walking around with so many blocked cards should impair me more than it currently is, but I cannot find a rule that says it does count to your hand size. I rarely use cards to unblock them.
2. Also, when you unblock (non-purse) cards, where do they go? The discard? Back to the hand? 3. Also the (I think it's a 149 card) The Cape card states that as soon as it is revealed, it has a 013 card chance of being blocked In my head, it makes sense that the shopkeep gives you it for free if they see it is torn 4. And finally, card 418 states that I should pull some 451 cards, make a pile and use them during the draw step Turns out it is very powerful, but I wasted it mostly on having to move around and shit. Me and my wife are loving 7th Citadel at the moment. I really enjoyed 7th continent as well, but this is really superior. The only niggle we have is that the character art is still either OK (see: [spoiler1]062[/spoiler1) or dreadful. Why is there no shading or detail on some character's hair (for example, but not limited to Brooks). All the other art is great. |