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Hi Marcus,

My play group had the same frustration initially, but it has gotten a bit better over time as we level our characters up, as others have said. There is one subtle rules thing we were doing wrong, and I wanted to mention it in case you've made the same mistake we did. The chain symbol limits the number of cards you can consider stars from, but does not limit the class symbols you can take into consideration - you get them all. So if you're trying to use a class-symbol-specific card for a chain action, overdrawing cards is better than you might think.
Adventure Card 283 [A0799] has a 0-cost action to read a section of the dialogue book. Depending on the campaign and scenario being played, this can earn the players a
150 - You Are Focused
card. As best I can tell, this can then be repeated ad nauseam to allow
all players to craft their ideal hand of cards.