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Sarah a écrit :
The keywords of blocked cards are indeed ignored, including for the keyword "Cumbersome".

The trouble I find with this answer is that it creates a new contradiction, in that many effects that allow you to unblock a card (e.g. Smithy building) target cards with specific keywords. But if you are supposed to ignore keywords on blocked cards, you wouldn't be able to target the card with the keyword to unblock it.
It seems to me more logical to treat keywords and weight, along with other properties like card type, title, or number, as something different from effects which should be ignored on blocked cards.
Again it seems that in the event of a contradiction the "most logical" resolutions take precedence. Related to the original question of "trading", what the rules say about blocked cards is
Rulebook, page 18 a écrit :
A blocked card may be looked at at all times. However, as long as it is blocked, it has no effect and may not be used.
[emphasis added]

I take this to logically include, "may not be used in trade."