Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ General7 posts
I've sleeved all the cards in the base game and two of the expansions but am running out sleeving the Final Throne and Edge of Peril. The All-In came with two big packs of four "standard" sleeve packs and one smaller pack on its own - is that right?

Is it possible I've missed a pack somewhere? I neglected to count them before I began.
TL;DR 1329 for everything

That means box + expansions. So you should have enough with the 1300+ sleeves from the storage 2nd box, right?
 flag_curse_sm[85h] Cristal (5/7) · Déesse · Gardiens · Sanctuaire · Coffret · Labyrinthe  |  MyLudo
  sandglass [10h]  Prison+Traque : 4 envolées, 6 trophées  |  forbidden  Veines+Phare · Marais+Armageddon
multiple_version[22h] Départ (A,B,C 7/7) · Dadachaem (6 thumb) · Tambours · Trône · Jardin · Véhégor
XanderLeaDaren wrote:
So you should have enough with the 1300+ sleeves from the storage 2nd box, right?

That's what I was expecting yes - hence I'm not clear why I have run short. I wanted to check whether others had received the 2x4 packs and one smaller pack in that second box.

It does occur to me that I used two sleeves per double (book) card so perhaps that's where the shortfall came from? That said, I'm not sure how else one might protect those ;-)
I just sleeved my all-in pledge last night and I had EXACTLY the right number of sleeves. This includes double sleeving the books. I'm kind of amazed how it worked out.
Thanks Schleima - that's good to hear.
You should have 9 packs of 150 sleeves, totaling 1350 sleeves. Generally, there might be one or two extra sleeves per pack, but it's also possible to be short by one or two...

However, missing an entire extension pack would be surprising. Could it be possible that a pack of 150 was overlooked or placed aside?

If you can't find the missing pack, please consider submitting a request through our after-sales service here:
Posted - Edited
Thanks Sarah, there were definitely nine packs but one seemed smaller than the other eight. I'll check where I end up when I finish the expansions and just order another pack at the store if I am short. thumb
Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ General7 posts