Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Errors on the game4 posts
Note: I don't think what I'll write is a spoiler. But it will be if you haven't solved this puzzle yet and you go read the dialogue entry.

The reward says:
"Take a 124 card. If the latter is available, take two 049 cards a 154 card."
It seems too big a reward and by the wording it feels like it should be "if the latter is NOT available".
I can confirm that it should be read that way; it's a reward that you only earn the first time you solve this puzzle.
Ok, awesome!
Thank you
Posted - Edited
Should this be in the errata? I came here with the exact same question. I suspect it should read:

"Take a [124+] card. If it is not available, take two [49+] cards and a [154+] card. Return the Dialogue Book."

The use of the word "latter" implies the second in a choice of two, but there's only one primary reward here.

Edit: And if this is intended, dialogue 172 should also discard or banish the source event card 126. Otherwise, once you solve this puzzle, it's a source of infinite 49s... This is definitely an error.
Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Errors on the game4 posts