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Despite all our efforts to avoid typos and errors, it's possible – given the sheer number of cards, dialogues and their interconnections – that you spotted one that we missed.
Should this happen, please check whether this error has already been spotted in the official errata of the game. If not, please let us know by sending an e-mail from the "contact" section.
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- Watch the "Overview" video (,
- Read the rules booklet,
- Place the various components (cards, dividers, etc.) in the base box, taking care not to look at the contents of the Exploration (foggy back) and Adventure (green or yellow back) cards, the Threat booklets, and the Dialogue Book,
- When you're ready, open the Introductory Scenario “A new beginning” to begin your adventure!
This is not possible since you can only save the current game in progress. You can, however, have new players join your current adventure (see "Joining the adventure partway through" in the rules).
Although you can play the Threats in any order, we advise you to play them in the following order:
1. Dadachaem's awakening
2. Drums of desolation
3. The final throne (expansion)
Except for the "On the edge of peril” expansion, which brings additional challenges and should only be added in once you have some experience of the game, all other expansions can be used from your first game.
In any case, we recommend to store the expansion’s cards in the base box before starting a new Threat.
The average length of a scenario varies between 1h30 and 3h00.
The average duration of a Threat is between 15 and 30 hours.
A saving system allows you to interrupt your game at any time in under 5 minutes, and resume it almost instantaneously when you're ready to continue the adventure. Saving is, however, limited to once per scenario.
Some card numbers are not used in the game (or only in an expansion).
Each card has a unique ID number (on the back of the card, except for the Action cards – blue back – and Exploration cards – foggy back –, which carry their IDs on the front).
First of all, please refer to the complete list of cards to make sure you are dealing with a missing card:
Some cards might get stuck together, so make sure that the missing card is not stuck to the previous or the next card.
In addition, some numboxes (the icon containing an Adventure card’s number) are attached to a pictograph that means “take this Adventure card only if it is available”. If the card in question is not available, it is probably already in play, or has been discarded or banned, which would be why it cannot be found in the base box.
If you cannot find the missing card, please contact us using the following form, indicating which card you are missing, and in which language, so that we can send you a printable .pdf of the card:
Please contact us using the following form:
You need 1,329 card-sleeves to protect all of the cards in the base box and the expansions that are currently available.
However, 184 card sleeves are enough to protect the Action cards (blue back), which are the most frequently shuffled kind of cards.
It is indeed a compound action, but on a single row.
Compound actions are easy to identify, in addition to the slot for a die, they are placed within a frame that surrounds the line or lines in question.
The card offers a "Think" action that can be performed like any other action, even while you read the Threat booklet. Therefore, unless stated otherwise, it is possible to perform this action during the Epilogue and/or during the “Preparation” phase of a scenario.
If at any point all characters become unconscious, the adventure immediately ends in defeat. You have failed to defeat the current Threat.
During the Result step, each success taken into account reduces the die's value by 1, regardless of whether the action succeeds or fails.
If the die’s value drops below 1, the action is successful, and you apply the consequence in the white section (success). Otherwise, the die’s value remains reduced, but you apply the consequence in the black section (failure).
Therefore, each failure can potentially make the action easier for the next attempt.
Yes. Moreover, all characters present on the same Terrain card as the player who revealed it must get involved in it, and no player can perform another action before it is fully resolved (including those who might be on another Terrain card).
When you put a Terrain card into play, you must immediately put Exploration cards (foggy back) into play on each free space to which an orange arrow points. Therefore, it may happen that two Terrain cards indicate different areas for the same Exploration card space. In this case, the applicable area is the one shown on the Terrain card that was put into play first.
No. All World Map cards that can be flipped should be flipped all at once (i.e. simultaneously) at any point during the "Preparation" phase.
Once you have finished a Threat, whether by victory or defeat, you must perform the following steps before starting a new one:
- Return the cards that are in the Past and return banished cards,
- Return the characters' Action cards,
- Return the Purse, Quest item, and Global event cards,
- Return the cards present in the World Map,
- Archive (for reference) your Citadel Leaflet.
You are now ready to start a new adventure by reading the introductory scenario "A New Beginning".
NB: since the introductory scenario "A New Beginning" is not a Threat, you must not do this once you have finished it.
In an action with multiple involved characters, only the active player can select Purse cards (during the Gear Up step), draw cards from their Action Deck (during the Draw step), and apply – with some exceptions – the effects of their Skill cards.
However, some Skill cards have effects that can be applied by an involved character that is not the active player. This is explicitly stated on the card, as is the case, for example, with the "Fortitude" card available in the starting deck of each character.
Moreover, many actions have effects that can be applied to the involved character of your choice or to all involved characters, so it is sometimes profitable to perform an action collectively.
Returning a card means putting it back into its original deck. Be careful to respect the order of cards in the Adventure Deck, paying attention to green/gold backs and to flags (empty flag before flags containing an icon).
Discarding a card means placing the card either in your Discard Pile if it is an Action card (blue back), or in the Past if it is an Exploration (foggy back) or Adventure card (green or gold back).
Banishing a card means removing it from the game until the end of the current Threat. To do this, you must place it behind the "Banished cards" divider.
Only if it is specifically indicated on the card ("Discard this card").
Should I select Skill cards (for which I want to apply the effect) during the action's Gear Up step?
No, only Purse cards. Skill cards can be freely used during the action (according to their effect).
Yes. Locking all your [notebook] "Hope Reborn!" cards allows you to share 10 life points among the characters, including those who are unconscious. By doing so, if an unconscious character regains at least 1 life point, they become conscious again. In this case, in the absence of an active player, the figure of the unconscious character is put back into play on the Terrain card of a character of their choice.