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There is a "You are jinxed!" card
which makes you discard all your blessing cards. Is this correct? Usually when a blessing is used it is returned, If the blessing is discarded it cannot be obtained again until returned from the Past.
Also this card is discarded, not returned like the other 013 cards.
It is also written in the Epilogue in the booklet.
When I need to take one book from the Power of Knowledge expansion (double card), do I choose somehow randomly, or can I look at the "book cover" and choose based on that?
robmcarthur wrote:
It's up to you - put them in now, or put them in when you are ready. It does not change anything until you actually go to play the threat.

Does this apply to the Edge of peril expansion too?
I am little confused if I can prepare the Final throne threat cards in the game box even if I play against another threat?

FAQ says it is only the Edge of Peril expansion cards which should not be sorted amongst the other cards if I am not intended to play with that expansion. However, Final throne manual reads:
Once ready to play this new Threat, prepare its cards in the game box...

So? What's now? Those 2 instructions are contradictory. If I am only supposed to sort the Final throne cards to the game box when I am playing against that threat, what happens if I decide to play against another threat after the Final throne? Should I remove all the cards from the box?
Firebird wrote:
New: Errata page:
In the "Resources" menu, you will find an Errata page dedicated to errors identified in the game that require a fix.

  • List of affected cards with the required modification (text only).
  • File to print corrected cards.

Thank you for your understanding for these few rare errors in the game! ;-)

Do you plan to print an errata card pack for the wrong printed cards? Maybe later when all the errors are collected and confirmed?
I think you are right.
On Terrain cards are allowed to be moved on.
Yes, I know about the pdf leaflet. Unfortunately it is low resolution, split in two pages, with grid overlay.
I have a a request. Is it possible to upload the Map of the Kel protectorate in the Download section? The higher quality the better, preferably without the white grid overlay. And I'm not sure about this, but if you could provide the whole world map, would be awesome. I mean the rest of the world which is not on the game map. It seems there is a land behind the north walls. Thanks.
ogeert wrote:
qetuol wrote:
I saw this, but thought it was like just different accent, like realise - realize for American and English accent.

Yes that's what I thought as well at first (I'm not a native English speaker). But after I saw the post on BGG and after searching for it online, I learned that 'improvise' is an exception and is spelled like that in all English accents.

Good to know! I think this type of "mistake" is totally OK. Worse could be if something affecting gameplay or making the game unplayable.
I saw this, but thought it was like just different accent, like realise - realize for American and English accent.
Is this the official discord?
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Maybe try to reset password in incognito mode? For me sometimes the browser extensions interfere with a site functioning properly (e. g. cookie blockers, ad blockers)
JackSpirio wrote:

I think you can just return to the citadel when you think you won’t finish the scenario before become unconscious. Then you fail the scenario but still continue with the next one.

You can, but it is again a house rule.

"Return to the Citadel" is not some abstraction meaning you can anytime just end your scenario and resolve the conclusion but actually moving your character figure on the Terrain cards back to the Citadel (either by the move action or by using some
). This is very clearly stated in the rulebook on page 22:
There are several ways to go back to the Citadel. The most common one is by moving the characters' figures along the Terrain cards that lead back to the Citadel.
ogeert wrote:
A question about this: the rulebook states that if all characters are unconscious or if a game effect reads "your adventure ends here", you lose. Does that mean you lose the entire Threat, or you lose just the scenario and you will have to follow the consequences for that, before continuing the next scenario?

The rulebook is clear here. If all players are unconscious, the adventure ends (the Threat).

In order to resolve the scenario players (or player) must return to the Citadel (conscious and assuming the scenario requires to return to the Citadel) and go to a scenario conclusion. Then the adventure continues (assuming it does not end during the conclusion) with the next scenario. This way the scenario is never repeated, you either fail the Threat or go forward with the next scenario. If you fail the scenario (all players unconscious) you fail the Threat.
In step 1 you just replace Remember in hand with Remember from discard pile, what's the point?
I cannot see in which step do you add F&F to your hand again from discard?