Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Rules and Operating Points3 messages
If a scenario asks me whether I have
"Objective no. 1"
is this referring to an objective card with
"no. 1"
printed on it?

I've played the intro scenario a couple of times and haven't come across an objective card with
"no. 1"
printed on it.
Yes, there are some Objectives cards that validate your success in the scenario. You'll find it in your adventure (if you play in the good direction).
resource_fire Firebird resource_fire (ma ludothèque)
T7Continent : icon_succes DV, OG, LG --- icon_curse SI, [CD+SI] --- icon_success-left Histoire, Pénitence, Funéraille --- card_type_temporary_event [SI+TS]
T7Citadel : card_type_temporary_event
Thank you Firebird. It sounds like we need to try harder D'
Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Rules and Operating Points3 messages