Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Rules and Operating Points2 messages |
This post on BoardGameGeek points out that the formulation of OR/AND on card A0220 is ambiguous: (arguably very light spoilers, but also arguably not) In that thread, we're in disagreement about the intended order of interpretation. Posté
I'm on BGG almost daily
(just like I'm here) If my response is delayed, it's usually because I'm awaiting official confirmation. Here is a copy of my response from there. I confirm that the capitalization is intended to distinguish between the choices, so you should interpret it as a decision between the following two options: |
Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Rules and Operating Points2 messages |
Dernières discussions
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[Campagne KS - Saison 2] Le Premier jardin (+ Réimpression)
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