Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Errors on the game3 messages |
Posté - Edité
This is not breaking so do not read unless you are SP or already finished Drums of Desolation.
This situation allows you to gain a clue after you already solved a puzzle and, in my opinion, this was not intended (as other related clue-giving spaces are designed to not allow that). Intended flow: Tharon on card 126 (A0552) gives you a clue when you have "exactly 2 Objective cards". These would be Objectives no. 1 and no. 2 from his roommates. Alternate flow If you pick the bird as soon as possible (before talking to the other 2 guys), you will end up with 2 Objective cards: no. 1 and no. 5. This would then enable you to get a clue from Tharon - though you've already been asked to banish the clues. Seemed unintended. PS: Why would I pick the bird before getting all the clues? Thanks to info from Cyder Posté
Hi Dill,
Glad you met Cyder Since this is not game breaking (getting a Tharon's clue doesn't matter since you already have the bird) |
Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Errors on the game3 messages |
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