Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ General4 posts |
I've started sleeving and it looks like I may run out of room in the collector's box if I sleeve everything. Based on my experience with Continent, it may be OK to leave the Adventure cards unsleeved. They rarely get shuffled (and if they do, in small quantities only). A neat gamer, I don't think I will get Cheeto dust or oily fingerprints all over the cards!
Have any of you sleeved all your cards, and do they fit OK in the three card boxes provided in the collector's box? Thanks for any thoughts and responses! Posted
Sleeving everything definitely requires more than three card boxes... I'm using five with all but the Final Throne and Edge of Peril, four might just be possible at a squeeze depending on which expansions you have.
Yeah, no need to sleeve all adventure cards.
Only few types are shuffled and most cards will be just placed on the table, where imo it’s better to not have them sleeved. VG: PoC: IM: CS 009: , 123: VotE SoM |
Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ General4 posts |
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