Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Rules and Operating Points8 messages |
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I'm playing Dadachem's Awakening the first scenario. During exploration close to the Citadel,
a search at the Strange Slab revealed temporary event card 057 which has a mandatory action for all characters on the card. The action requires drawing 90+ cards less 10 for each Strange Slab seen on the map. Since this is the first scenario there is only 1 slab on the map which means I'm required to draw 80 cards as a minimum. I'm playing solo so this would equate to 40 life points. Since I've already done some exploring I will not survive this mandatory action and become unconscious which be the end of the adventure. I think I have this correct. If its the end of the adventure so be it but I just wanted to check to make sure this was the designers intent so early in the game. Posté - Edité
First, you need to apply the text at the top of the card, where it reads:
Then, if you would rather resume your journey, return this so if you don't feel capable of resolving the action, you can choose this option and return this card. Posté
Sarah a écrit : First, you need to apply the text at the top of the card, where it reads: What is confusing with the line you pointed out is the word 'Then'. This implies you only do this if you've completed the previous line's actions. This is how I read it. Posté
I apologize, I only copied the second line. In any case, you need to do what the first line asks, and "Then...."
Sarah a écrit : I apologize, I only copied the second line. In any case, you need to do what the first line asks, and "Then...." So we agree then that you can not do the second without having completed the first line. So this gets back to my original question as to the designer's intent. Since this is the first scenario it seems a bit odd to have a mandatory action with little or no chance of success at this stage of the game. Posté
The "Then" can indeed be confusing; it should be interpreted as "after" or "next".
I will pass on your comment to Bruno. Posté
Howiewowie, if it were as you understand it, it should be phrased "
If you did, if you would rather… IMO, it’s clear that regardless of whether you did the first thing, you can do the second thing. Otherwise, this card could indeed be a killer. Posté
We ran into this exact same problem - it was one of the first cards after we first left the Citadel, and after rereading the text multiple times, we came to the conclusion that it was impossible to beat and we might have wrongly inserted some extra hard expansion card, and so just ignored the mandatory action.
It's the "Then, if you would rather resume your journey" "If you would rather resume your journey, return this." |
Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Rules and Operating Points8 messages |
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