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CS 009: , 123:
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CS 009: , 123:
VotE SoM
I suppose so
Paralt a écrit : By that same logic, separate steps of a compound action often allow adding some number of result cards to your hand. Since a compound action is a single action, you could end up with several cards above your hand size limit during the action and only need to discard down to your allowed hand size once the compound action is over. Is that correct? Thanks! No, a compound action consists of a series of actions. You can even walk away from an unfinished one and come back later (if it is not mandatory). Posté
1. Purse cards count their weight, but skill cards don’t count at all.
2. skill cards are shuffled in the deck. Posté
schleima a écrit :
What do you mean? As long as you don’t take the 490 card at the start you won’t see much from that. Posté
qetuol a écrit :
Pretty much yes Posté
Uhh, that’s a good point for using minis instead of the standees.
DevNull a écrit : That "Easily forgotten golden rules" section (p.27, in my current copy) is more or less directly contradicted by the bit on p13 that says: In that same threat it’s also made clear that this is not a contradiction. You can use symbols on cards in hand, but only from the blue half, as you can’t use the white half if the card wasn’t drawn from the action deck. Posté
DevNull a écrit : Nope. You have to be on a card _next_ to it, with an arrow pointing to the exploration card. 1st you explore, then you move onto the revealed terrain card after (assuming that a terrain card is, in fact, revealed...) Exploration cards always have those 4 arrows pointing in each direction. However permanent events have (mostly) one arrow and can only be accessed from that location. Posté
In 7th Continent I rather used the standees as they looked better then the minis. Maybe I will do the same here.
So to answer the question, it’s just to give everyone what he prefers. Posté
Firebird a écrit : I'm not sure (but I agree with you for the moment). The cost is just to draw cards (which you did). There is nothing stating those cards now need to be on the table. Only if you need successes or class symbols you need the cards. So I don’t see why moving for free wouldn’t work. Posté
Yeah, no need to sleeve all adventure cards.
Only few types are shuffled and most cards will be just placed on the table, where imo it’s better to not have them sleeved. Posté
It‘s its own symbol, so you need to find a use for it first.
That’s what I meant
Posté - Edité
Find this on youtube and it’s great:
I assume you still can just let it sit in the table if you want to (and have the space).
qetuol a écrit :
I think you can just return to the citadel when you think you won’t finish the scenario before become unconscious. Then you fail the scenario but still continue with the next one. Posté
If all characters are unconscious, the adventure ends immediately and the players lose. So there is no replaying of scenarios without starting from scratch Posté
I‘m talking about those stars (one big two small) not the question mark
Posté - Edité
In the Easily forgotten rules, number 5 states only 4 class icons, while the rules on page 13 has now 5 different symbols.
have you been to the surface before?
If so it’s easy to come back, if not you should find the start point of your adventure. It’s likely that you need to do the ride again. |