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Card text when revealed during the result text isn’t active, unless it tells you so, which both of the cards you mention do.
Some of these cards are shown in the KS updates, but not all.
So it’s impossible right now to exactly tell you what they are.
The card tells you to do what it says on that case.
If it doesn’t specify that timing it is not active.
So I can’t discard a just drawn forewarned is forearmed, but the text on the flying roots card works.

Come on, you are just arguing to argue.
No, it does not
abredon a écrit :
JackSpirio a écrit :
As stated above the rules tells you what cards you can use in that step, just drawn cards are not in that list.

You just repeat the same arguments again and again, that won’t give anyone new insight.

Yes, the rules lists some effects that can be used in that step. Does that mean such a list is exclusive?

If so, then the Flying Roots don't work.

Why shouldn’t they work?
You don’t use the text, you just do what it tells you (as it is revealed during the success step)
Which should be enough
I think you misread

You only ever can stand on terrain cards, but all cards with these arrows, act like everything on the card is on the card they are attached too
As stated above the rules tells you what cards you can use in that step, just drawn cards are not in that list.

You just repeat the same arguments again and again, that won’t give anyone new insight.
It you just do what the cards say, which makes it obvious when they are to be used.
But even if there exists more then one way people read it, most would agree with your number 2
Why would the flying Roots need an errata?
They clearly state when it should be applied, doesn’t it?
Nowhere in the rules, errata, or FAQ does it state that card text is not processed during the Results step of an action. since there is no rule against it, by default it is processed.

This is not true.
The rules state what to do in the result step, so follow this.
If you can’t fulfill the first choice (as you do not have the right cards, you need to do the second one.
I agree that it could have been worded better, but I say the intention is clear.
There seems to be 2 ways to get the card
Once is just looking at 326
But as there are 2 versions of that number you won’t be able to do that all the time
So there is another option, to find a specific 550 card, which helps you find that 757 card, no matter which 326 you got.

You only need to look at the thumbs, if you took a card out of the normal rules.
If something tells you to take a card directly, you do not need the thumbs.
Also roots can make any check which draws cards failable
You can buy other sleeves at various places
Any 80*80 should do it, but people have claimed that these are Paladin sleeves or Mayday premium ones.

You could also try to buy some when SP opens their shop soon (if they have any left)
You should have order both sleeve boxes, if you wanted to sleeve everything
Just buy normal sleeves, that is enough and everything fits perfectly
TLDR: Think draws from deck, not discard