Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Errors on the game3 posts |
So I've been occasionally coming over to the site to see whether there have been any updates to the official errata, and sometimes there are, but it seems like the only mention of that is the version on the title of the first pdf of that link. Would it be possible to also include a changelog in that document? As in, what errata were added or expanded upon in each version? So that it's easier to track new ones without having to rescan the whole document to try to remember what we have or have not already taken into account.
Please, check this topic : Firebird (ma ludothèque) T7Continent : DV, OG, LG --- SI, [CD+SI] --- Histoire, Pénitence, Funéraille --- [SI+TS] T7Citadel : |
Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Errors on the game3 posts |
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